Your Hurricane Preparedness Plan Must Include Mobile Communication.

Posted by Sarah Locker on Apr 30, 2018 2:30:00 PM
Sarah Locker

Typically, as a property manager, residents only contact you when they need something. However, a vital responsibility of the property manager is to ensure residents are provided proper information any time of day on all aspects of the property, from scheduled board meetings and maintenance to violations and past due rent. Having a reliable and useful mobile communication system is crucial for daily operations, especially during emergencies to save lives.

With hurricane season upon us, situations can occur that even the most prepared property manager or resident cannot foresee. The tragic impact of Hurricanes Matthew and Irma last year prove that communication during emergencies is vital to a preparedness plan to ensure any changes or adjustments can be disseminated to all managers and all residents instantaneously through push notifications.

Phone Alert


More frequently, a mobile communication system will be used for monitoring and completing daily operations, such as maintenance requests or reserving amenities. Using an integrated and instant mobile communication system as part of your community's hurricane preparedness plan can reduce the stress and give peace of mind to both managers and residents.

Converged Control provides a real-time connection between property managers and residents through instant notifications and communication. Converged Control provides immediate updates to all residents in an emergency situation, rather than having to call or text every resident individually to provide valuable and possible life-saving updates.

To learn more about Converged Control, download our eBook or request a demo today. cs_brandmark_200px.png



Topics: Telecommunication